The Indiana War Memorial and Museum

The Indiana War Memorial marks the center of a National Historic Landmark District that spans three parks, 25 acres of monuments, and even the American Legion headquarters.

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When it comes to memorials and monuments, no other city in the U.S. has more acreage dedicated to our veterans than Indianapolis—and the Indiana War Memorial is the crown jewel of them all. 

Standing 210 feet tall, this limestone behemoth was built to commemorate the end of World War I, intentionally designed to resemble the original Mausoleum—one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. 

But as impressive as the exterior is, the real majesty is inside the monument, where you’ll find the historic Indiana War Museum. From recent conflicts to the Revolutionary War, this museum displays thousands of artifacts from our military history, including over 400 flags, a Vietnam War helicopter, and a replica of the USS Indianapolis Radio Room.

And on the top floor stands the breathtaking Shrine Room—a solemn space made with materials from each Allied nation, symbolizing their collaborative effort in The War to End All Wars. To this day, standing there beneath the flag—looking up at the Star of Destiny—is a powerful feeling that reminds us why we choose to fight for our country.

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